'Free For All'


At Stockton Club New
Year's Morning, is

    Hurling defiance at prohibition officers, the “padlock” law, which has been threatened, all law and order, and raising a roughhouse disturbance, some two score New Year’s Eve revelers “opened up” at the Stockton club Tuesday morning about three o’clock and staged a free-for-all fight in which a dozen or more are said to have been injured.

    Flying bottles crashed against heads and bodies, inflicting numerous minor wounds during the progress of the battle.

    One man is said to be definitely known to have been seriously injured. According to the reports of neighbor, one person was said to have been taken to Mercy hospital about four o’clock New Year’s morning.

    Hospital authorities deny that such a person was brought there.

    Neighbors near the Stockton club state that the revelers threw all caution and heed to to the four winds and ended their New Year’s Eve pursuit for pleasure with a free-for-all fight.

    Early New Year’s morning, many persons were seen in Hamilton restaurants supposedly just out of the club with bandages about their heads, and with scars and bruises.

    No report of the matter has reached the hands of county authorities or the police and no investigation of the matter has been made.

Report from the Hamilton Evening Journal
January 4, 1924